Pediatric Emergency Dentistry in Los Angeles

Pediatric Emergency Dentistry in Los Angeles
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What is a Dental Emergency?

To put it simply, a dental emergency is anything that affects the teeth or gums that cannot be dealt with at home. Severe toothaches, abscesses (also known as gum boils or mouth pimples), and chipped, cracked, or knocked-out teeth can all be dental emergencies. We offer telehealth appointments for patients who are out-of-town or parents who would like one-on-one advice before physically coming into the office. If you’re unsure if what your child is experiencing qualifies as an emergency, give us a call at (310) 439-1751 for guidance!

Benefits of Telehealth for Emergencies

When your child is having a dental emergency, getting answers and guidance from a trusted source is likely at the top of your priority list. Enter Telehealth at The Baby Teeth Studio. You can call or text our secure HIPPA compliant line (310) 439-1751 to speak directly with our practice. Send pictures or set up a video call to address urgent questions without having to come into the office.

expert advice

Instead of Googling around and sifting through questionable solutions that may or may not work (and that could even make the situation worse!) we can provide you with solid advice that you can trust. Plus, we can get your child scheduled for an appointment as soon as it is necessary.

quick answers

Get the answers and solutions you need to get your child out of pain and on the mend, without even leaving the house. With telehealth services, we can help you with at-home guidance to keep your kiddo comfortable until you can get them to The Baby Teeth Studio.

peace of mind

Sometimes the worst part of a dental emergency is simply not knowing what to do. We’re here to ease your worries with quick answers and expert advice. We’ll be able to tell you how severe the emergency is, and determine if you need to bring your child into the office right away, or if it’s something that can wait a day. Whatever the case may be, you can feel good knowing that we’re here for you when you need us.

The Baby Teeth Studio
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Common emergencies and treatments



Toothaches are a common cause of orofacial pain in children, and can be caused by a variety of factors including dental cavities and infections. We provide same-day appointments and treatment to help get your child out of pain.

Larger decay or sensitivity

Larger decay or sensitivity

If your child is complaining about their teeth being sensitive to temperature or certain foods (especially sugary ones) it may be caused by more extensive decay that has gotten closer to the nerve of the tooth.. If left untreated, infection can enter the nerve of the tooth and spread systemically. We’ll assess their tooth, and treat the tooth with a temporary filling or other form of ITR (interim therapeutic restoration) to relieve their pain or sensitivity until we can treat the affected tooth with a permanent restoration. Kids don’t always need the full treatment on the same day; getting them out of pain and providing a good experience can change a potentially traumatic event into a more positive experience that results in a more optimistic view of visiting the dentist in general.

Abscess/gum boil/mouth pimple

Abscess/gum boil/mouth pimple

An abscess, also known as a gum boil or mouth pimple, looks a lot like a pimple on the gums near a tooth. This can be a sign of a serious tooth infection and is cause for an emergency dental visit.

Knocked-out baby tooth

Knocked-out baby tooth

If your child knocks out a baby tooth, your first step is to find the tooth, primarily to ensure they have not swallowed it and to avoid the risk of choking. Once you find the tooth, hang on to it in case Dr. Jen needs to examine it. If it appears that your child has sustained injuries to their face or mouth other than just the tooth, it may be a good idea to take them to the emergency room. Otherwise, simply apply pressure to the site with gauze or a clean washcloth and give us a call right away.

Avulsed or knocked-out Permanent tooth

Avulsed or knocked-out Permanent tooth

If your child loses an adult tooth, it is an emergency, and timing is critical to saving the tooth. It's important to remain calm, and do your best to keep your child calm as well. Locate the missing tooth and any fragments that may be left behind. Hold the tooth by the crown, gently rinse it off with water, and place the tooth back in the socket if possible (but don’t force it). You can also place the tooth in a container of cold milk or your child’s saliva, and give us a call at (310) 439-1751 so we can prepare for your visit. Once you arrive at the practice, Dr. Jen will check for more urgent issues, replace the tooth, and use a stint to hold it in place while it heals.

Small Fractures, Chips, or Breaks

Small Fractures, Chips, or Breaks

Fractures or broken teeth caused by falls, sports related injuries, fights, or untreated decay are the most common cause of tooth injury in children. Given the proximity of the dentition to the cranium, it is important to complete an age-appropriate neurologic assessment. If your child is experienced loss of consciousness, dizziness, headache, nausea, or vomiting, prioritize seeking immediate medical attention from urgent care or emergency setting.

If possible, locate and save the fractured tooth and store it in a container of milk or the patient's own saliva, avoid storing it in water.

Frequently Asked Questions

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The Baby Teeth Studio